

Volumes is a project on geometry inspired by the idealisation of geometric space that became established during the Renaissance. It stems from a reflection on the value of the frame and on the need to prepare frames for my photographs that would be sculptural structures rather than assemblages, mediating elements between the tangible space of the room and the metaphorical space of the photographs, a relationship between physical space and mental space, internal space and external space as a metaphor for time.

In the Velvets, the principle is in the design, which here is three-dimensional and already ‘dressed’ in colour. Colour that is also matter, and as such can be explored through a tactile experience. Velvet, in fact, is a deep material that invites to be touched, to be crossed. Velvets are sculpture that has incorporated painting and architecture. They are the result of that search for the materialisation of time in space that has always characterised my work.

Volume rosso
Volume rosso

cusp structure, wood with hand painting 52x34x 25 cm, 2017

Il tuo cielo è verde
Filatoio Rosso, Caraglio, 2021

Volume con carta da parati vintage
Vintage volume with wallpaper

cusp structure, wood with hand painting 52x34x 25 cm, 2017

Il tuo cielo è verde
Filatoio Rosso, Caraglio, 2021

Volume Bianco
Volume bianco
cusp structure, wood with hand painting 52x34x 25 cm, 2021
In dialogue with pair of Fratellini & Sorelline, jug and teapot from the Napoleonic era, 2019

Il tuo cielo è verde
Filatoio Rosso, Caraglio, 2021

Volume bicolore
Volume bicolore

wood with hand painting 50×34.5×33, 2019

Il tuo cielo è verde
Filatoio Rosso, Caraglio, 2021

Volume nero
Volume nero

truncated cone wood structure with hand painting 30x30x48 cm, 2018

Il tuo cielo è verde
Filatoio Rosso, Caraglio, 2021

Volume Rosso
Volume rosso

truncated cone wood structure with hand painting 30x30x48 cm, 2015

Il tuo cielo è verde
Filatoio Rosso, Caraglio, 2021

Letizia Cariello, Fuso orario #4 (I), 2021
Fuso orario #4 (I)

hand-painted wooden volume, engraved marble disc, volume 52x34x25 cm, marble Ø 35 cm, 2021

Fuso Orario
Galleria Studio G7, Bologna, 2021

Volume Vintage

wood with 1960s vintage wallpaper and red paint, porcelain, red thread, unique edition, volume 30x48x30 cm, 2019

Fuso Orario
Galleria Studio G7, Bologna, 2021

Be My Guest
Be My Guest
Wooden plinth and red lacquer, 2017

Riti e credenze
Galleria Luisa Delle Piane, Milano, 2017

Be My Guest
Be My Guest
Wooden plinth and red lacquer, 2017

Riti e credenze
Galleria Luisa Delle Piane, Milano, 2017

Velluto blu
Velluto blu

in artist-designed lozenge structure of different woods, black cotton, 49×49 cm, 2020

Il tuo cielo è verde
Filatoio Rosso, Caraglio, 2021

Velluto blu
Velluto blu

Blue velvet in designed frame, 55×65 cm, 2017

Velluto rosa
Velluto rosa

Pink velvet in designed frame, 63×53 cm, 2017

Velluto rosso
Velluto rosso

Red velvet in designed frame, 63×53 cm, 2017

Velluto verde
Velluto verde

Green velvet in designed frame, 55×65 cm, 2017

Carta in cornice progettata
Designed framed paper

Paper in designed frame, 63×53 cm, 2017

Fotografia in cornice
Fotografia in cornice progettata

Designed framed photograph, 63×53 cm, 2017